Corona Loners: 7 Things to Spice Up Quarantine


It’s no secret: these are some seriously weird times at the moment. Whether you’re stuck in self-isolation or preparing to quarantine, it’s reasonable to worry about getting cabin fever – especially if you’re stuck with a partner.

Don’t stress though, we have some creative tips for you to stay sane yet socially distant during your (government-mandated) alone time….

Tip #1 – Spring clean

Before you can truly comfortable in your own space, it’s a good idea to embrace your inner Marie Kondo and get to work. Not only is this a great way to literally clean the slate and make sure your house is germ-free, it’s also a great way to set up your home space for isolation.

If role play is your thing, now might be the time to get out the maid costume to complete the fantasy. Who knew cleaning could set the mood?

Tip #2 – Take the high road…literally

If you’re lucky enough to be somewhere with accommodating marijuana laws, there’s no better time than the present to kick back and get high on your own supply. These are stressful times we are living through, so what better solution than to take a break from refreshing newspaper headlines and scrolling through Twitter.

Whether you’re solo or with your quarantine buddy, having a smoke is great way to enjoy a release – and maybe find another type of release. Yes, you read right, weed is a great way to enhance foreplay and sex, so it might be the perfect third party to invite to your isolation igloo.

Tip #3 – Party of Three (Me, Myself & I)

While it might be nice to explore all that the Netflix algorithm has to offer, it’s also a good idea to do some exploring on a more personal level. Why not draw a bath, light some candles and settle in with a nice waterproof toy. If your partner is home too, tell them to pop some headphones on, because it might get a little loud. For run time and intensity, our recommended bathtub buddy is the Womanizer PREMIUM.

Tip #4 – Work(out) from home

Just as heading into the office is no longer an option for many, the same goes for the gym. While working out might be one of those things you love to avoid normally, a good work out can actually be a great way to relieve stress and keep your body feeling active. While you don’t need to be so extreme as the marathon runner who made his hotel room his race track, squeezing a bit of exercise into your daily routine is a nice way to keep you from entering full sloth-mode.

If you’re not a fan of impossibly tanned yogalates instructors yelling at you from YouTube, why don’t you try a workout of a more primal kind. Sex or masturbating is actually a pretty reliable calorie burner so when you’re feeling less downward-dog and more like doggy style, hit the sheets for an alternative, yet just as stress-relieving workout.

Tip #5 – Add some spice to dinner

Why not try out being literally “Naked Chefs” and cook up some romance during your quarantine? Although aprons are a definite must (hot liquids and bare skin isn’t for everybody), messing around with your partner in the kitchen adds a little fun back into what can become a routine chore. Whether you actually cook something or instead take inspiration from 9½ Weeks, it’s completely up to you and your palate…

Tip #6 – Upskill

While it’s the corporate buzzword of the moment, you can actually apply upskilling to your personal life too. Why not take the time to expand your romantic repertoire and liven up quarantine with some “hands on” lessons? There are online courses in everything from erotic massage to masturbation techniques, so isolation might be the perfect time to add some more skills that are sure to thrill.

Tip #7 – Love in the time of Tinder

Stuck on the couch but in the mood for some company? Thank the smartphone gods for video chat. Whether you’re meeting someone new via dating apps or chatting with a partner over We-Connect, technology has made it easier than ever to get closer – despite geographic limitations.

Inside and satisfied

The good news is that even if you’re isolated by yourself, you can always stay connected with both yourself and the outside world. Take the time in quarantine to really explore yourself, but also take advantage of the many ways we have to stay in touch – even if that’s just sending nudes to your new Bumble match.

Best Sex Toys for Quarantine

You are truly spoilt for choice – take your pick from elegant classics like the elegant Womanizer PREMIUM or perfect entry-level toys such as the ROMP Hype.

Stay connected with smart toys like Chorus and Moxie by We-Vibe. These clever We-Vibe creations pair seamlessly to the We-Connect app which takes remote intimacy to another level. Touch mode translates every movement on-screen to a unique vibration, even allowing the creation of custom stimulation patterns. Beat mode matches stimulation patterns to the music of your choice.

We-Vibe Moxie

moxie We-Vibe Test Erfahrung Review

Womanizer PREMIUM

womanizer premium

We-Vibe Chorus

We-Vibe Chorus



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