When thinking of male sex toys, most people will immediately think of those blow up dolls or the crude vagina-esque fleshlights While these sex toys might be a great fit for somebody else, we knew there is a much, much bigger world of options out there – all just waiting for us to try!
Why we decided to try a stroker toy
My boyfriend and I like to consider ourselves relatively open-minded. Sure we haven’t been down to the local S&M club, but there’s no way the term vanilla applies to our sex life. We have always been curious about expanding our toy collection beyond the many female-oriented toys and couples-friendly vibrators. That’s where the stroker comes in.
What is a stroker?
Good question, we were a bit baffled too. While it sounds quite graphic, a stroker is essentially a toy that stimulates the penis with up and down motions, i.e. stroking. We were intrigued but thought, if we are going to do this, let’s jump in with both feet. And that’s where we came across the Arcwave Ion.
Arcwave in Action
The big day was here. My boyfriend was out buying groceries when the doorbell rang and I almost flew to the door. From the moment I saw the sleek packaging, I knew we had made the right choice. This thing was the definition of luxe and I couldn’t wait to see it in action.
Once he arrived home, I presented it to my boyfriend and waited for his reaction with bated breath. After a bit of confusion – I mean, I did order it as a surprise – and a closer look at the fancy packaging, he was on board and we decided that we were both too excited to wait. Off to bedroom we went!
Our experience…
To put it concisely: WOW. Mutual masturbation is one of our favorite types of foreplay and the Ion joined the party like it had always been there. After fiddling with the controls for a second, my boyfriend found that intensity levels could be adjusted with a quick press of the button and after that, there was no turning back. But enough from me, I’ll let him describe it himself:
“To be honest, I was a little unsure of what to expect, even after we had researched the toys together. I know the Premium is a favorite and frequent flyer in our bedroom, so I was excited to find out that I could finally test it for myself in a way. The suction felt so incredible, right from the start. After that, it built and built and when I came, it was so intense. Judging from my partner’s expression, it looked as wild as it felt for me inside.”
Would we try more male-oriented sex toys?
Prior to this, my boyfriend hadn’t shown much interest in toys aside from butt plugs, so I am excited to say that he is now a lot more open to the idea. And I’m happy to come along for the ride!